When the going gets tough, the tough get going

How to survive (and thrive) during tough times at work

Hey, how’s it going? Get some coffee and catch up quick?

I won't lie, things are a bit rough at work right now. I’m highly stressed...

New project, new stakeholders, new pressures and demands.

Too much work, not enough time and energy.

It can get overwhelming quick.

And it does at times.

I’ve been in this situation many times before - it never gets easier, but I think I’m less likely to be overwhelmed these days.

This phrase from Robin Sharma always helps me put things in perspective and stay motivated to keep going:

"Turbulent times build great leaders".

Not because I want to become a great leader, but because of how he frames the tough times with a longer term mindset that “The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the wider it grows”.

See opportunity where others see problems

When I asked for advice to advance our careers in a company group coffee chat last year, the CEO of the company said,

“See opportunities where others see problems”.

When we are faced with uncertainty or crisis, many of us want to retreat into the background, overwhelmed by fear or the possibility of failure.

This is perfectly normal - from the SCARF model (https://lnkd.in/dvvxUGeJ), we know that we are programmed to move away from threat and towards reward states.

But according to Robin Sharma, you should put your hand up instead.

Lean into it.

Turbulent times are a perfect opportunity for you to grow your skills and experience.

Build trust in your colleagues by demonstrating critical thinking, resilience and decisiveness when needed most - to solve the tough challenges of the business.

“Out of clutter, find simplicity.

From discord, find harmony.

In the middle of difficulty, lies


-Albert Einstein

As you seek to rise through the management ranks, the problems you need to solve get increasingly more complex.

Your ability to deal with them depends on your skills and experience acquired over time. And like our muscles, they grow most in times of greatest discomfort.

Lean into the tough times

This too shall pass

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

— Helen Keller

While you are experiencing the discomfort, know that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Kidding, you just need to keep moving forward until eventually, you have conquered the challenge, 1 priority at a time.

But how to move forward?

How to survive, and thrive even, when the going gets tough?

Keep moving forward

Robin Sharma’s S.P.A.R.K principles for coping and thriving during turbulent times:

Speak with (radical) candor - Be honest and direct in your communications - it builds trust.

Prioritize - Focus... on what truly matters to boost productivity and results. Keep moving forward on that.

Adhere to values - Identify your core personal and professional values. Align yours and team‘s actions.

Respond vs React - Rise above the confusion. Be graceful and composed. Take initiative, and drive things.

Kudos for everyone - Recognize and celebrate the achievements and efforts of others to motivate.

In Summary

You get paid in accordance with the complexity of the problems you solve.

As a manager, solving tough problems gets you tougher problems.

Embracing them is how you get promoted to the next level.

So, there’s always going to be tough times.

The SPARK framework is your guide.

Next time you are going through a rough time at work, think “Turbulent times build great leaders”, and remember Robin Sharma’s SPARK principles - you will get through just fine 💪 

Thanks for taking some time to chat! Hope you enjoyed - let’s catch up again next month for another coffee ☕️ 

PS: What has been your biggest struggle when dealing with turbulent times at work? I’m very keen to find out and maybe chat a bit about it. Send me a reply via email or comment on the article itself.


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