Are you coping with your work stress?

What's keeping you up at night?

Hello friend, good to see you again - tall cappuccino?

We are experiencing a late autumn here in Johannesburg - still some lovely warm sun and (colourful) leaves not yet completely fallen off the platanus acerifolia in the garden.

Not complaining - just reminding you that South African weather is the best!

Today’s letter is a nod to Mental Wellness month - May, and a great opportunity to talk about some tips you can incorporate into your management toolbox.

Wearing green in support of Mental Wellness month, May.

May is Mental Wellness Month

May is recognized as Mental Wellness Month, a time to focus on the importance of mental health and well-being.

As a corporate manager, I’m sure you are often faced with high-pressure situations, tight deadlines, and the responsibilities of leading your team.

This can lead to significant stress and anxiety, impacting your well-being and performance.

It’s worth taking a few minutes to unpack, understand and deal with the issues to maintain high performance for both yourself and your team.

Don’t drink coffee after 7

In the 2013 Jason Statham movie Parker, JLo's character finds out what an unsavory character he is and asks him how he sleeps at night, knowing all the bad deeds he does.

She's hinting at the guilty conscience that should be keeping him up, but what about the poor guy's internal state of mind?

Up until that point, he's had a very rough time in the movie - his stress levels must be through the roof…

Although the scene was funny, it highlights a challenge facing many modern corporate warriors these days - excessive stress and anxiety. These weigh on our minds continuously, causing sleepless nights.

Is skipping the evening coffee really going to help you sleep?

How can we make sense of this?

How do we deal with this?

What is Stress and what is Anxiety?


Stress is the body's response to a specific threat or demand.

It is a natural reaction to challenges or pressures from external sources, such as work deadlines, financial difficulties, or major life changes.

One Tip to deal with Stress:

  • Tip: If you are feeling overwhelmed with a large number of tasks, get them scheduled into your calendar and de-clutter your mind. Use the Time Management Matrix from Stephen R. Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."

Stephen R. Covey


Anxiety is a natural response to stress, with feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear about events that have yet to occur.

It's our brain's way of preparing us for potential threats.

However, chronic anxiety can negatively impact our mental and physical health.

One tip to deal with Anxiety:

  • Tip: Practice Being Present from Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now." Anxiety often stems from our minds dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Living in the present, also known as mindfulness, involves fully engaging with the current moment, without judgment. It means letting go of past regrets and future worries to focus on what is happening right now.

Living in the past - regret, guilt, and sadness.

Living in the future - worry about future scenarios that may never happen.

Living in the present - mental clarity, mindfulness.

"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life."

Eckhart Tolle

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a medical professional, and you should seek professional help if you are experiencing chronic anxiety and stress that you are unable to move past.

In Summary

Corporate life is highly pressurized and continuously induces stress and anxiety in us.

We have to accept this and manage accordingly:

  • Decluttering your mind by scheduling your many tasks into your calendar will help reduce your sense of stress and overwhelm.

  • Shifting your focus from the past and future to the present (mindfulness), will help reduce anxiety.

Hope this helps you make sense of stress and anxiety and opens the door to you managing them better!

Source: Have you watched Atlas yet? Not the most critically acclaimed, but fun viewing about AI becoming sentient. It realises that humans will destroy the world on their current trajectory and tries to do a hard reset….

Thanks for making the time to grab a coffee and chat! Let’s catch up again next month ☕️ 

Disclaimer: Correlation does not equal causation - I am not a Jennifer Lopez fan.


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