Comic Update: Anand's Character Profile!

Check out his face, favourites, personality and career.

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Hello, hello - howzit and happy Monday!

Hope you got your Seattle ready - the tribe has spoken…

It’s time to check out the results of the survey and Anand’s character profile!

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Before we get to Anand, a little bit of context about the comic book.

What is it about, and why am I posting all of this content in the newsletter and on LinkedIn?

The answer: To follow my passion of teaching management soft skills and build a digital business using AI.

In the age of AI, technical work is getting automated.

How can you stay relevant in the market?

With human skills.

Soft skills.

But there's a problem.

Most soft skills training is dry and boring, and to be honest—not very helpful.

You need something practical, fun, and engaging.

Enter the comic.

I’ve taken my 20+ years of experience managing people and teams and turned it into a story. A story brought to life through two main characters—Thandi and Anand.

Thandi is a young woman taking her first shot at management. Anand is her mentor, guiding her along the way. They both grow, learn, and evolve together in the story.

Anand is more advanced in his management career, while Thandi is just getting started out. So, something for everyone, except executive level (yet… I’m still on that journey lol).

This comic is my unique take on leading people—a “course” without the dull lectures and boring textbooks.

Just stories that feel real, with lessons you can use.

It might not be for everyone. But if it speaks to you, I’m glad to have you in my tribe!

Alright, enough storytelling. Let’s go meet Anand!

Anand’s face

So, the votes were deadlocked here.

A highly irregular situation.

I made the call:

I hope the “losing” 75% forgive me and accept the choice. I’m just praying we don’t have the same with Thandi’s character profile next week…

Anand’s Favourites

Thank you to everyone that voted!

Hope it was fun, and now let’s see how things turned out…

A picture says a thousand words - how many of Anand’s favourites can you spot in the picture?

PS: You can find the actual votes summary at the end.

Anand’s Career Profile

Anand’s had a squiggly career - numerous setbacks, but he’s shown grit and resilience.

He’s actually in quite a senior management position, heading up a department.

Again, I think an infographic best sums up his career here.

A squiggly career actually brings many advantages: “Turbulent times build great leaders” - Robin Sharma

Bonus! For Newsletter Readers only:

Personality Analysis of Anand Using Psychometrics

Using personality assessments like DISC and MBTI can give great insights into how people work, lead, and interact with others. I wrote about them in previous newsletters and LinkedIn posts. For managers, these tools are incredibly useful from a soft skills perspective, to manage them to high performance.

1. Personality Traits

Strategic and Visionary

Anand scores high in Red (Dominance) in his DISC profile and is an ENTJ ("The Commander") in the MBTI framework. These traits highlight his natural ability to lead, make decisive actions, and strategize effectively. He thrives on taking bold moves, leading the team, and aligning efforts with long-term company goals.

Calm Under Pressure

With low neuroticism (Big Five Traits model), Anand stays calm under pressure. This composure helps him make well-thought-out decisions when others might feel stressed. His steady demeanor reassures his team, especially during challenging times.


Anand values developing his team members. He enjoys mentoring and sees talent development as essential for both personal growth and organizational success. He balances his high standards with support, offering guidance and learning opportunities.

Professional and Efficient

Efficiency and professionalism are Anand's trademarks. He is goal-oriented and prefers structured processes, expecting the same from his team. Clear communication and structured workflows are key to his productivity.

Emotionally Detached

Anand often prioritizes logic over emotions, which can make him seem distant. While not unkind, his focus on rationality sometimes creates a barrier between him and more emotionally expressive team members.

2. Motivations and Goals

  • Primary Motivation: Anand wants to leave a legacy of success by developing future leaders. He finds fulfillment in mentoring and solving complex problems.

  • Core Goal: To help Thandi transition into her leadership role within the Sharks team while maintaining high department performance.

3. Conflicts

Internal Conflict

Anand sometimes worries about whether his high expectations put too much pressure on Thandi. He questions how to balance driving performance with supporting personal growth. He also reflects on his career path, wondering if his current role aligns with his aspirations.

External Conflict

Anand faces the challenge of balancing upper management's expectations with mentoring less experienced managers. If results falter, he risks criticism, adding pressure to ensure his mentees adapt and thrive.

4. Relationships

With Thandi (Mentee)

Anand is highly invested in Thandi's growth, believing in her potential and providing structured mentorship. Their relationship is about knowledge transfer, with Anand's calm demeanor balancing Thandi's early uncertainties.

With Team Members and Peers

Anand maintains professional relationships with his team and peers. He is respected for his strategic vision and reliability, though his emotionally detached nature limits deeper personal connections. Colleagues appreciate his logical and steady presence.

5. Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Strategic Vision: Long-term planning aligned with organizational goals.

  • Leadership: Effective team organization and achieving results.

  • Mentorship: Commitment to team development.

  • Calmness Under Pressure: Keeping team morale steady during challenges.

  • Emotional Detachment: Can seem distant, which may hinder rapport with emotionally-driven team members.

  • Impatience with Inefficiency: Intolerance for incompetence may strain relationships.

  • Overly Critical: High standards can lead to harsh judgments, affecting morale.

  • Resistance to Emotional Appeals: Reluctance to consider ideas not grounded in logic may alienate others.

Key Takeaway for Anand’s manager

By leveraging his strengths in strategy and mentoring while encouraging him to work on emotional intelligence, Anand’s manager can help him become a more well-rounded leader.

Key Takeaway for Anand

Anand should focus on developing his emotional intelligence to better connect with his team on a personal level. While his strategic and mentoring skills are strong, being more approachable and empathetic will help build deeper trust and stronger relationships, ultimately making him a more effective leader and enhancing team dynamics.

That’s it folks!

Thanks for joining me today ☕️, and hoped you enjoyed the deep dive into Anand’s character profile.

Look out for Thandi’s survey coming next week.

PS: I am also tweaking the newsletter from next week.

It will have 3 content “pillars”, but remain an approx 5min read.

  1. Management/Personal development update.

  2. Comic/Business update.

  3. AI news/tools update.

Although this looks like a lot, two of the updates will be “bite-sized”, and only one “meaty” length.

See you next week! ☕️ 

PS: The survey results:


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